Mind games passing for news |
Inadvertent proof that everybody and his brother is secretly a Nazi and all Jews think all Muslims should be eradicated. BBC: Al-Qaeda to give 'open interview'What is the purpose of the above news item, you may well ask. The job of the news media is supposedly to inform us of current events and sometimes to present reasoned analysis, so of what are we being informed here? Well, pretty much only that Al Qaeda is alive, healthy, and operating through websites - which, unfortunately we cannot verify since no URLs are provided. We must take the word of the author that there is a website where folks can ask questions of Al Zawahiri. And questioners must take it on faith that Al Zawahiri is still in business and not just a video image that may or may not have really been him and may or may not have said what he is purported to have said. I don't have to tell you what one of the purposes might be in saying that "Al Qaeda" exists. "Terrorism", after all, is the underlying - with emphasis on the "lying" part of the word - pretext for the crimes against humanity being committed by western empire builders in concert with colonialist Israel. But let's examine this quote: "It shows how this group with 7th Century ideology is exploiting 21st Century media capabilities." That particular statement was made by a Georgetown University professor - you know, with a doctorate (oooh...) who styles himself a "terrorism expert" - so his opinion is worth something, right? University teachers are also researchers and therefore expected to operate in a scientific manner - so this one wouldn't neo-con us, would he? Especially since Georgetown University is devoutly Catholic and maintains a "Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding". But what did this guy, Bruce Hoffman, really say? Well, what is the "ideology" he refers to? It's a religion, actually, called Islam, which began in the 7th century. In other words, in one short sentence with the judicious use of buzz words, Hoffman has branded Islam as terrorist from its outset, evoked an illusion that the so-called Al Qaeda ideology was born with it, and juxtaposed the ancient with the modern in a manner to make the ancient seem laughable, ignorant and outmoded, but at the same time sinister enough to invade and exploit cyberspace - like an opportunistic virus. In his eagerness to seize the moment, however, Hoffman forgets that Christianity is even more ancient and has never made any secret of its aim to dominate the earth by converting every last human being - including Jews, whose religion is ancienter still and therefore presumably even more laughable and ignorant - and has not only massively invaded the Internet, but also radio and TV - like an opportunistic virus. Such a comparison is one that a bona fide researcher ought to have thought ahead to, so the sensible thing to do is to have a look at this guy's bio (Georgetown U.) which not surprisingly outs him as no ordinary professor, however modest he may wish to appear when spreading disinfo. Among other things which are bound to colour his opinion are his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (SourceWatch), his long association with the RAND Corporation (Wikipedia), and his senior fellowship at the University of Haifa. This college boy's been around, is steeped in neo-con tradition, and if he fits into a Jesuit environment then you have to wonder where the "Christ" has disappeared to from the term "Christian". Given the assumptions contained in the BBC article and supported by Bruce Hoffman, the so-called "jihadist" website that purports to provide answers to questions put to Al Zawahiri may well be a fake one put up by US/British/Israeli intelligence services, and questioners may actually provide more information than they receive. Sadly, we don't have to look abroad to find news articles and analysis designed solely for propaganda purposes. Canada, too, has its share of avid innuendoists. Here's an article (Israel Hasbara Committee) making the rounds that attempts to conjoin all Palestinians with Hitler. Before we go further, let it be known that "Hasbara" is a dead giveaway as to the motives of the authors, it being a term that: "can more usefully be translated by the English “propaganda”; a term that seeks to close off alternative ways of seeing things."(Shasha / Finkelstein) Itamar Marcus, described by the Jewish website Visions of Peace and Justice as "an extreme right wing settler living in the West Bank settlement of Efrat", can hardly be objective about Palestinians, nor can Barbara Crook, a convert to Judaism and a self-described (Jerusalem Post) shill for Israel - of which there are more and more (CJNews) being sent every day in an attempt to encourage emigration, while houses in illegal settlements continue to be listed for sale (Guardian). Nevertheless, the two have conspired to translate (accurately? how can we know?) a short description from a Voice of Palestine radio quiz into a universal Palestinian love for Hitler. By their reasoning, however, all British are Hitler lovers because certain of the aristocracy had a fondness for him (The Age), all corporations are secretly Nazi because IBM did business with Hitler (IBM and Holocaust), and all Zionists are Hitler lovers too, since there is plenty of evidence that the early ones collaborated (Lenni Brenner / Counterpunch) with Hitler to fulfill their dream of a homeland for Jews. And then we have dear little Fozzie Levant (The Next Agenda - "Draft Ezra") who happily shrugs off hate speech appearing on his own news magazine's blog (Western Standard) even though, had the subject been Jews, B'nai Brith would be howling bloody murder and seeking a nasty revenge - as they so well demonstrated when Ottawa U.'s Michel Chossudovsky's website comments section contained, without his knowledge, comments offensive to Jews (Jewish Tribune). Come to think of it, didn't Ezra Levant advocate attacking Iran when Ahmadinejad's words were misinterpreted (DebianHelp) ad nauseum as "Israel should be wiped off the map"? In this article of his, published in Free Republic, he doesn't seem to even need that as an excuse. He firmly believes Iran's nuclear ambitions should be "wiped out" and that the west should back Israel in that regard. So, using the logic of Bruce Hoffman, Marcus & Crook, and Ezra Levant, can we safely assume that all Jews believe all Muslims should be eradicated? Hardly! The whole lot of these self-styled experts are blinkered, irrational, racist idiots. Good grief, now I'm starting to wonder if the big push for emigration to Israel is so that there'll be no self-loving Jews left in Canada when Israel turns its nukes on us. For what reason, though? Nevermind, Marcus, Crook and Levant will cook one up. I have to admit, though, that in the Free Republic article Levant said one true thing: "The Middle East has always been a theatre in a larger global war." That's practically an admission that, essentially, the purpose of whatever we're told on this side of the battle is aimed at keeping the game going and us supporting it. The "experts" probably realize at some vague level that they aren't as consistent as they might be in their logic, but they hope against hope that a liberal sprinkling of buzz-z-z-z words will suffice to short circuit your reasoning powers. Because a lot of people stand to gain from unending war, and those people ain't you. Whatever you do, don't read the news in the bathtub. Zap! Thanks to Bahija Reghai and Denis Rancourt for pointing out a couple of the above references. Related: Scotsman: Outrage over Indian restaurant named after Hitler The owner of Hitler's Cross, which opened last week, says he chose the name to stand out among hundreds of Mumbai eateries. "We are not promoting Hitler. But we want to tell people we are different in the way he was different," Punit Shablok said. But India's remaining Jews - most migrated to Israel and the West over the years - are outraged by the gimmick. YYC: But in the eyes of the West, India good; Palestinians still very, very bad. By YayaCanada |
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Friday, 21 December 2007
Zap Did they getcha?
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Post Title: Zap Did they getcha?
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