Thursday 27 December 2007

Israeli Cyber Spies Try to Influence US Elections

The London Times has discovered that Israel is conducting a campaign to spread Zionist propaganda on the Internet and shut down websites which criticize Israel or Jews in general. This campaign has been carefully organized, staffed and paid for by the Israeli government–which means your tax dollars in action. Interestingly enough, like all such news, we have to look to the foreign press to learn about such matters. Not one whisper of this seems to have appeared anywhere in the American media.

More than a few patriotic, right wing websites have reported that strange individuals had appeared posting on their blogs in the months before the election blindly arguing in defense of Bush and the neocons. No amount of logic could persuade them that the US was headed for tyranny with Bush and the neocons in charge.

The prestigious Times of London reports that “Israel’s government has thrown its weight behind efforts by supporters to counter what it believes to be negative bias and a tide of pro-Arab propaganda.” (Read accurate media coverage of the atrocities Israel is committing against the indigenous people of the Middle East.) “The Foreign Ministry has ordered trainee diplomats to track websites and chatrooms so that networks of US and European groups with hundreds of thousands of Jewish activists can place supportive messages. In the past week nearly 5,000 members of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) have downloaded special ‘megaphone’ software that alerts them to anti-Israeli chatrooms or internet polls to enable them to post contrary viewpoints. A student team in Jerusalem combs the web in a host of different languages to flag the sites so that those who have signed up can influence an opinion survey or the course of a debate.”

Although the article doesn’t mention it, common Jewish tactics also include complaints to Internet service providers and web hosts in order to have their critics forcibly silenced through cancellation of service, as well as the usual Jewish round of death threats, filthy and obscene e-mails and telephone harassment from shrieking hysterical hebes with Brooklyn accents. Somehow this blatant suppression of free speech through harassment is never equated with “terrorism.” If it were, the Jews would be uncovered as the most active terrorists in the US today. Anyone who has ever criticized the Jews on the web to any degree pretty much knows the drill by now.

Israel has not only enlisted Israelis to do this cyber-terrorist work. They are enlisting JEWS, from all over the world. The problem in the Middle East doesn’t come back to a country called Israel or its government or its army. It emanates from the JEWISH PEOPLE as a whole, worldwide. So if a patriotic American such as Pat Buchanan runs for president and calls for US neutrality in the Mid East so Americans can avoid future wars and terrorism, he suddenly becomes the target not only of the Jewish “fifth column” living in the US, but also of every Jew in the world, who wants to dictate what government the US should have.

Unfortunately, the Israelis are also enlisting a lot of really naive brainwashed Gentiles as well. The Times continues: “Israel’s Foreign Ministry must avoid direct involvement with the campaign but is in contact with international Jewish and evangelical Christian groups, distributing internet information packs.”

Christian evangelical groups, eh? Meaning Pat Robertson’s 700 Club zombies and John Hagee’s cult members who no longer worship God, but who worship the Jews instead. The worst thing that happened in Christian history was when traitorous, self-hating Gentiles like these televangelists were allowed to hijack various Protestant splinter groups to become cheerleaders for the murderous bandit state of Israel. These televangelists have been given access to radio, television and cable stations by the Jews, who own the lion’s share of our media. These pro-Jewish sycophants are the false prophets, whom God warned us about in the Book of Revelations. Thankfully some of these fraudsters are exposing themselves. The pro-Zionist Minister Ted Haggart’s Gay relationship with a male prostitute was exposed just two weeks after Mark Foley’s Gay sex scandal hit the news. Not only are these pro-Israel politicians and ministers blind to the endless Israeli atrocities, land theft and brutality toward their neighbors, many of these Israel-lovers are closet perverts.

Anyone who runs an anti-Israel blog or website has probably noticed a recent upsurge in attacks on his Internet presence, ranging from the merely silly such as comments from brainwashed pro-Zionist evangelicals, to obscene comments from Jews (they can never seem to make their case without using filthy language). The Jews also make complaints to service providers, usually bogus and under false names. Not to mention the usual harvest of death threats and e-mails which are nothing but one long stream of obscenities. Now, thanks to the Times of London, we know that all of this is definitely “from Israel with love.”

The best course of action is to announce that we know what the Jews are doing. (Many of us suspected Israeli cyber spies were active years ago.) Just ignore their ravings or -if they’re especially obnoxious- mention the London Times article about Israeli Internet sabotage. And drive on, guys. Just remember the Jews do their work in the darkness because they can’t work in the light.


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