Many Jews are profoundly out of touch with their own truth.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
The Jewish people have been deceived (or have deceived themselves) on two counts:
1. Most do not descend from the Biblical Jews. They are Khazars, from southwest Asia.
2. Judaism is not a religion. At best, it is a racial credo, designed to maintain racial cohesion, in this case the Khazar bloodlines.
In the absence of a more satisfying religion, many Jews sublimated their religious idealism into Communist and left-liberal causes designed to undermine host societies. They have been duped and manipulated by Masonic Jewish financiers ("organized Jewry," Zionism) into advancing a totalitarian "New World Order" aka "Globalism" "world government."
Many Jews are witting and unwitting pawns, profoundly out of touch with their own truth. They are foot soldiers and cannon fodder in a diabolical multi-generational plot to destroy Christian Civilization.
As is widely known, East European or Ashkanazi Jews (90% of the total) were descendents of Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century.
The empire of Khazaria sat astride the Black and Caspian seas extending from the Urals to Romania. "That the Khazars are the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry is a historical fact," Jewish historian Alfred M. Lilienthal writes in an essay, "Judaism : Religion or Race".
"Many Christians may have much more Hebrew-'Israelite' blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors," he says.
Jews might visit Kiev instead of Jerusalem. They might learn more about their roots by studying a web site like than the Old Testament. The Torah (the first five books of OT) has helped Jews maintain their identity for millennia. Unfortunately it may have been camouflage for Cabalists and Talmudists who nurture a demented megalomaniac dream.
In "Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti Semitism" (1998) Kevin MacDonald suggests that Jews also use religion as camouflage for race.
He says Judaism becomes viewed as a benign highly permeable non-ethnic group whose differences with other groups are merely ones of personal belief rather than ethnicity. Conflicts of interest between the Jewish community as a strategizing ethnic group and other groups are minimized. (74)
In "The Future of American Jewry," Irving Kristol wrote: "Jews in America may belong to Jewish institutions, send their children to Sunday schools for religious instruction, proudly identify themselves as Jews, but their religion, for the most part, is only Jewish in its externals. At the core it is secular humanist."
Secular humanism is a guise for Satanism. It denies the existence of God and makes man God, i.e. "the man" - Rothschild.
A 1970's survey of American Jews found that less than 50% felt it was necessary to believe in God to be a "good Jew." On the other hand, over 95% agreed that "it is important that there always be a Jewish people" and "every Jew is responsible in some measure for the well being of every other Jew."
Only 33% agreed to the proposition:" The primary loyalty of American Jews must be to the US and their fellow Americans." (MacDonald, p.277)
Orthodox Jews oppose intermarriage and conversion. In 1997, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis declared that Reform and Conservative Judaism (the vast majority of "observant" American Jews) are not Jewish.
In 1996 Rabbi Harold Schulweis told the Los Angeles Times, that conversion to Judaism "is upsetting to some Jews because they feel Judaism is less an ideology than a biology, a matter of chromosomes not choice." (MacDonald 267)
I am not observant but I still consider myself Jewish because my parents and ancestors were Jewish. I don't think race is a bad thing if each race is considered part of the human family with none better than another. I admire other races and like to see them flourish. I am not opposed to intermarriage but I believe it is preferable to maintain racial identity if possible.
In a previous column, I suggest that Judaism is a "flawed religion." I cannot subscribe to the view that Jews are "above all other people that are on the face of the earth" (Deuteronomy 7:6).
Nor do I subscribe to a God who is a merciless judge meting out reward and punishment.
True religion teaches us to become more God-like. "Be ye therefore perfect even as thy Father which is in heaven is perfect," said Christ. (Mathew 5:48)
In an email, Rabbi Marvin Antelman referred me to Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
"According to him there is no such thing as Judaism. The concept is post Biblical and post Talmudic; and he challenged his disciples (he ordained over 2000 rabbis) to find the term (in Hebrew the words is Yahadut) in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud or Jewish codices."
Antelman, author of "To Eliminate the Opiate" (2002), urged me to find Jewish meaning in the Torah, God and the land.
"The Torah and the land of Israel are Divine gifts of God to the Israelite nation. Any so called Jew who thinks otherwise is not a Jew..."
Since God and Israel are based on the Torah, he is really saying, read the Torah. I did and must agree with Arthur Koestler, a Jewish writer who characterized it as a racial credo "which turns out to be illusory."
"The Old Testament is first and foremost the narrative of a nation's history; it gave monotheism to the world, yet its credo is tribal rather than universal. Every prayer and ritual observance proclaims membership of an ancient race...The Jewish faith, as shown by 2000 years of tragic history, is nationally and socially self-segregating. ...It transformed the Jews of the Diaspora into a pseudo-nation . . . held together loosely by a system of traditional beliefs based on racial and historical premises which turn out to be illusory." (The Thirteenth Tribe, 1976, p.224)
In his Gospel of Love Christ attempted to transform Judaism from a racial credo into a genuine religion. He proclaimed universal brotherhood and a God of Love. But the Pharisees wanted Jews to be "a nation unto itself," an instrument to rule the world.
Down through the centuries, the Jews have remained prisoners and pawns of their Pharisees who answer to the financiers.
In "Esau's Tears: Modern Anti Semitism and the Rise of the Jews" (1997) Albert Lindemann writes: "Jews have been as capable as any other group of provoking hostility." (xvii) They "actually do not want to understand their past, or at least those aspects of their past that have to do with the hatred directed at them, since understanding may threaten other aspects of their complex and often contradictory identities." (535)
Jews imagine they are descendents of the Israelites, irrationally persecuted for the crucifixion, morally superior people and a beacon for humanity. In fact, I suspect they are dangerously out of touch with their own reality.
Since Judaism is mainly a racial credo, Jews are attracted to other religions. One local rabbi tells people he is a Buddhist. Many Jews have made their religion the creation of a secular Golden Age. Unfortunately this humanist utopia is a hoax, sponsored by the Satan-loving financial elites who wish to establish a thinly disguised totalitarian world government.
Why else would Jewish Marxist feminists be permitted to alienate young women from men, motherhood and family? To learn that "the patriarchy" is to blame for everything? To reject and rewrite western culture from the point of view of women?
Throughout history some Jews have aroused enmity by serving as pawns and middlemen for the elites. Unwittingly, many Jews have assumed this role again. They form a core group in the movies, news media, TV, think tanks, universities and government that legitimize the elite and preach contempt for healthy Christian ideals. They are reminiscent of the Jewish core group that engineered the Bolshevik revolution and Communism.
But Jews are individuals and other Jews like myself are opposed to the New World Order. I am inspired by others like Norman Finklestein, Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir. I admire Dr. Judith Reisman who blew the whistle on the Rockefeller's campaign to promote homosexuality. and Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglade who fight for academic freedom.
I believe many Jews have a profound sense of justice and truth. We want to know who we really are. I think we are Khazars. "Next year in Kiev!"
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Thursday, 11 October 2007
Do Jews Suffer from a False Identity?
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Post Title: A Typical Day in Iraq
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