The UN, National Sovereignty And The Road To World Peace
October 24th marked UN Day, and I was pleased to deliver these remarks at the Albuquerque Chapter of the United Nations:
On the subject of how the United States is to work with the UN in general, I will be very clear. The sovereignty of the United States of America must be preserved, as well as some form of the nation-state system worked out at the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. For thousands of years, empires have tried to create world government. Force has always been the method, tragedy the result. From Rome to the British Empire and now under the aegis of the Project for a New American Century, world domination has been the goal of those for whom power is an end in itself, rather than the means to do good.
Furthermore, all world domination strategies employ rosy-sounding propaganda to make it look like their plan will be a positive development for the human race. Whether it be "Freedom and Democracy," or "Liberty, Fraternity and Equality," no imperial agenda makes its case without a clever appeal to humankind's deepest longings.
But imperialists never intend to actually deliver on the promises they make, just ask the Iraqis how their freedom and democracy is going.
It is because of this practical understanding of the historic intentions and methods of world government that we must be careful when empowering any global governance structure. For all their problems, at least nation states allow visions of national governance to compete freely in the international marketplace.
The modern implementation of supranational government began at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, continued through World War I becoming the League of Nations, then finally took shape as the UN after World War II. The winners of World War II are the permanent members of the Security Council. What's fair about that?
Those promoting these supranational executive bodies are often wartime leaders of the nations they represent. The Rockefellers, who armed both sides of the conflict in World War II, donated the land on which the United Nations Building now sits. However beneficial the United Nations has been, is, or will be, we cannot be blindly optimistic about any global governing body whose sponsors are militant and imperialistic. Thus, the United States, while working to end its own imperialism, must not surrender its sovereignty.
For all these reasons and more, as Senator, it would be my policy that the United States should not regard the United Nations, and particularly the Security Council, as having executive or legal authority. For the same reasons, I cannot recommend a UN Rapid Reaction Force or that we join the International Criminal Court. However, it would also be my policy to regard the General Assembly, which includes all the nations of the world, as having a great deal of moral authority.
This does not mean that I would not like to work with the United Nations. As an organic agriculture and peace activist, I have examined their work on the subject of food, farming, and refugees at some length. There can be no doubt that much of their work and the intentions of member nations and staff are good. But the policies that we must adopt in order to combat terrorism, fight poverty, protect human rights and deal with infectious disease will be the same regardless of our relationship with the United Nations. I should add that it is more important how we work with the United Nations to end imperialism, globalization and the rule of transnational corporations.
Terrorism and human rights abuses will end when imperialism ends. Terror is used by the state as an instrument of foreign policy and domestic control. Human rights abuses are a function of terror. Certainly there are psychopaths within races, nations and religions, but they would be easily controlled if not so often employed by state actors for geopolitical purposes. Al Qaeda was created by the British and the US for the purpose of weakening the Soviet Union. It continues to be useful to the United States and global imperialists because it justifies the use of force anywhere in the world. Look on a map, wherever you see a place where the global elite have identified necessary resources or trade routes, you will find that Al Qaeda or something similar is active. You will also find well-meaning activists urging UN intervention, which will be followed by a corporate takeover and privatisation of the natural resources of the target nation. From Afghanistan, to Iraq to the Sudan, to Indonesia the pattern is the same. John Perkins, in his New York Times Bestseller "Confessions of An Economic Hitman" explains some of the methodology in painful detail.
Fighting poverty and infectious disease is best accomplished by honoring indigenous survival systems and not attempting to supplant them everywhere with the failing western agro-industrial society. Under the guise of fighting poverty and disease, nations which have no need for western civilization and cannot afford it, have sold their precious natural heritage for a pittance. They are left with ecological devastation and an inadequate techno-industrial support system for which they cannot pay. Organic agriculture, holistic health and permaculture practises have been developed in the Western World which could supplement indigenous survival systems. These practises would be a far superior export for the US than weapons, ineffective or dangerous vaccines, and genetically modified crops.
Rather than enlarging the Security Council, my policy as Senator would be to dismantle it completely. The Security Council's role has largely been to give international legitimacy to the imperialistic adventures of its permanent members. It has been significantly incompetent to protect nations such as Palestine from the hostile actions of the UN's favored nations. Its track record on Palestine is abysmal, and there is no reason to believe it will change. If there must be a Security Council, or an Executive Committee of the UN, let it be elected by roll-call vote from amongst the members of the General Assembly.
With respect to the role of the UN in Iraq, it should be to oppose foreign policies of some of its members, and to provide international humanitarian assistance.
In closing, I would like to recommend that all readers call to support Congressman Dennis Kucinich's Resolution to Impeach Vice-President Cheney, House Resolution 333. Given President Bush's recent comments regarding World War III, I further urge all participants to call for his impeachment. We also need Congressional Hearings into the recent flight of a nuclear armed B-52 to Barksdale AFB, the jumping ground for military flights to the Middle East. Our Legislators in Washington have not protected us from this dangerous and out-of-control Executive Branch and it is time to Fire Congress. If you are interested in more information on my campaign and my platform, please visit
Thank you all.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Fight Imperialism & Terrorism Will Disappear
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