If evil powers wanted to impose a dictatorship on the United States, would they candidly announce their goal?
They would do exactly as they are doing now: They would invent a foreign menace like Muslim terrorism, and stage a dramatic attack like 9-11. This is why Bush has blocked an independent investigation of the WTC attack.
They would rely on the "sheeple" to vote for their own enslavement, i.e. the "Patriot Act," increased military expenditures, and the Department of "Homeland Security."
The German people voted Hitler into power. Hitler arranged the burning of the Reichstag as an excuse to suspend civil rights. Hitler made his attack on Poland look like a defensive action. International bankers like Prescott Bush, George W's grandfather, funded Hitler. George W. belongs to an Illuminati family whose loyalty is to world government dictatorship, not to the US. See "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" (www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm)
Muslim militants do not represent a military threat to the United States, or even to Israel. It is the other way around. The U.S. and Israel are pawns of international bankers, intent on removing the last obstacles to their Lucifer-worshipping "New World Order."
They are taking Sadaam behind the woodshed as a lesson to any country that would resist their global dictatorship. Sadaam deserves credit for defying this nefarious cabal.
Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia want to appease George W. but they are NEXT on the hit list. Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler in Munich but that did not diminish Hitler's appetite.
Europe, Japan and China go along in the UN but they will be dependent on the Rockefeller-Rothschilds for oil. They will be forced to sacrifice national sovereignty.
Let's gaze into our crystal ball.
The United States subjugates Iraq. Depending on how costly it is, the US will quickly turn its attention to the remaining "independent" Arab states.
Anti-American feeling will enflame the billion-strong Muslim world. Pro-US governments will wobble. US or Israeli troops may have to prop them up. Where before, "terrorist" actions were mostly organized by the CIA-Mossad-MI5, now there are genuine Muslim reprisals.
There are American casualties both at home and abroad. Some of these acts originate or are assisted by the CIA etc. who wish to foment chaos. Viruses or even nuclear attacks blamed on Muslim radicals kill hundreds of thousands. The American population becomes restive, angry and polarized. Most are willing to sacrifice freedom in return for security.
The "anti-war" movement mushrooms and there are large demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience. The "Patriot Act" or a similar measure is used to clamp down on dissent and ban firearms in the name of national security. Detention camps are filled. Americans awake to discover the United States is a dictatorship.
Thus, what is supposed to be a war against "terror" reveals its true face: a totalitarian takeover.

'If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.'- G.W. Bush
Don't wait until it's too late. Join like-minded people. Edward Griffin's Freedom Force International is one group that is mobilizing. His web site is www.freedom-force.org/activism.htm Another is the John Birch Society (www.jbs.org/ ). A third organization is Bob Schulz's (http:www.givemeliberty.org We the People!(http:www.givemeliberty.org )
Henry Makow, Ph.D, is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the New World Order are archived on his web site www.savethemales.ca
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