Wednesday 29 October 2008

Taking Hitler off the menu

Was Belgian television justified in pulling an episode of a cooking programme featuring Hitler's favourite dish?

Although I'm not particularly big on cookery programmes, we have been watching Plat Préféré, hosted by Flemish celebrity chef Jeroen Meus, which features the favourite dishes of famous people whose one common characteristic is that they all happen to be dead.

The episodes on Freddie Mercury and Salvador Dali were fascinating, not so much due to the food that was cooked, but more because of the intriguing insights they afforded into their lives.

Last week, we were surprised to learn that the following episode would feature not an artistic celebrity but Adolf Hitler. Although dismayed by the choice, I was looking forward to seeing how the programme would approach Europe's most-hated figure, and whether I would learn anything new.

Alas, I never got to find out because – faced with outrage from some Jewish, resistance and political prisoner groups – the Belgian television channel VRT decided to pull the episode which was due to air on Tuesday evening.

"Everyone who has lost a loved one to Nazi barbarity or the concentration camps felt unsettled by [VRT] dedicating space to this," said Francois De Coster, president of the Union of Belgian Political Prisoners, last week. Michael Freilich of Antwerp's Joods Actueel, a Jewish community magazine, denounced the programme as "trivialising" Hitler and turning him into a "simple man of the people", claiming that it sent "the wrong signal" to the younger generation.

But I wonder if the revelation that Hitler's favourite dish was trout with butter sauce would actually change any young person's views of the man's politics. In fact, the suggestion is an insult to young people's intelligence.

Is Freilich really suggesting that someone might switch off their TV after the show and think: "Although he started a world war and killed millions of people, Hitler ate trout, which makes him a regular bloke like us!" With the exception of neo-Nazis, who will look favourably on Hitler no matter what, I don't think this show will make anyone think better of the Nazi leader.

While I appreciate that any programme that deals with Hitler or the Holocaust is bound to trigger painful memories for those who suffered and their families, I do not accept that this programme trivialises his bloody legacy.

Of course, a case can be made that the inclusion of Hitler was a bizarre decision, probably conceived as a ratings-grabber, given the endless public and media interest in the second world war and the Nazis. In fact, the broadcaster admitted to having made a poor call by featuring the Nazi dictator in "a series in which all other protagonists are famous in the positive sense of the word, such as Roald Dahl and Jacques Brel".

Nevertheless, thanks to the effective bid to dictate what we can or cannot watch, viewers will never get the chance to make up their own minds about the appropriateness of the programme. But based on the trailer, it would appear that Jeroen Meus makes no attempts to whitewash history when he visits Hitler's Eagle's Nest hideaway in Southern Germany to cook the favourite meal of an "atrocious man", as the chef described him.

"Speaking as someone who almost didn't exist because of Hitler, I don't see an issue with [a] television show discussing his favourite meal," commented one perplexed culinary blogger. "As a Jew, I find that the young chef did nothing offensive at all, and can't understand the mindset of those who are raising a fuss," agreed a poster.

The fuss stirred up by this programme reminds me, albeit it to a smaller scale, of the controversy sparked by the German film Der Untergang a few years ago because it explored Hitler's more humane side – such as his love of dogs and affection for Eva Braun – amid his madness.

But does exploring the person and personality of Hitler – and not depicting him exclusively as a dehumanised monster – actually belittle the memory of his millions of victims and give succour to extremists? At the time of Der Untergang, I found not: I emerged from the cinema just as horrified by his actions but with greater insight into the man behind them.

Besides, there have been literally thousands of books, TV documentaries and films that have explored the minutest details of his life and political career. Max, a film starring John Cusack, not only moves away from the Hitler-as-monster formula, but goes as far as to depict the young Adolf as an artist and his friendship with a Jewish art dealer.

The film speculates about what would have happened had the future Führer found more success as a painter and, hence, stayed out of politics. Is the implication that, had circumstance been different, Hitler may not have become a hateful, bitter and murderous tyrant also sending out the "wrong signal"?

In my opinion it is the people who gagged this essentially harmless cookery programme who are sending out the wrong signal by curbing freedom of expression and inquiry. As long as they do not represent a danger to others, everyone has a right to express themselves and, as I've argued before in the case of anti-Muslim Dutch politician Geert Wilders, even to offend.

Monday 27 October 2008

The Rabbi Watch List

Case of Rabbi Yoram Aberjil (Netivot, Israel) (Accused of cult like practices and sexual harassment of young women and treatening the lives of the survivors and those who support them.)
Case of Rabbi Shlomo Aviner (Beit El, Israel) (Two women accused the rabbi of creating emotionally intimate relationships with them. These relationships included his expressions of his love for them during regular late-night phone conversations, extracting details from them of their sexuality and promoting an unhealthy emotional dependence on him).
Case of Rabbi Aryeh Blaut (AKA: Louis Blaut, Louis Steven Blaut, Louis A. Blaut, Louis S. Blaut) (Seattle, WA) (Convicted sex offender on federal charges of possession of child pornography. According to the United States Department of Probation, Louis Blaut is not allowed contact with anyone under the age of eighteen on the internet or in person).
Case of Rabbi Jerry Brauner (Boro Park, Brooklyn, NY) (Convicted on the charges of Sexual Abuse-1st Degree and Sexual Abuse-3rd:Subject Another Person to Sex Contact Without Consent. He was sentenced to 11 years probation, with the condition he must participate in a sex offender treatment program. Brauner has been on probation since 2002 for the sexual abuse of a 15-year-old boy. On December 27, 2006, Jerry Brauner was arrested on charges of stealing a half-million-dollar home from a cancer-stricken woman, using a forged power of attorney to sell it and pocket the profits. Brauner is being held in lieu of $85,000 bail for lying about prior sex-abuse convictions when he applied for his notary's license.)
Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (AKA: Lippa Brenner) (Brooklyn, NY) (Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years' probation.)
Case of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Brizel (Jerusalem, Israel) (Accused of child molestation)
Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Winnipeg, Canada, New York, NY) (There is a Call for Action on this case. Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980's. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.)
Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (There is a Call for Action on this case. Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young adult women)
Case Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen - Montreal and Toronto Canada (Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants)
Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Israel) (Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University)
Case of Rabbi Asher Dahan, Be'er Sheva, Israel (Arrested after being accused of raping and sexually abusing two 17-year-old girls after he offered "to redeem them of sin and evil inclinations.")
Case of Rabbi Anthony Dee (Blackpool England; Portsmouth, England) (Former synagogue minister Reverend Anthony Dee found guilty of sexually abusing two boys and a girl in Blackpool and Portsmouth, England. This is the first set of convictions, there was a second set of convictions in 1997.)
Case of Rabbi Moshe Eisemann (AKA: Moshe Eiseman) - Mashgiach Ruchni Ner Israel Rabbinical College (Baltimore, MD) (There is a Call for Action on this case - Accused of child sexual abuse)
Case of Rabbi Eliezer Eisgrau - Principal, Torah Institute (Baltimore, MD) (There is a Call for Action on this case. Accused of physically abusing and sexually assaulting one of his children. There have also been allegations that two families were "run out of Baltimore" because they wanted to go to secular legal authorities to deal with the accusations of child abuse)
Case of Rabbi Arnold Fink - Beth El Hebrew Congregation - Alexandria, VA (Accused of Professional Rabbinic Sexual Misconduct)
Case of Rabbi Benyamin Yaakov Fleischman (AKA Benyamin Fleischman, Ben Fleischman)- Photographer (Baltimore, MD) (Convicted of sexually assaulting a minor.)
Case of Rabbi Gershon Freidlin (Colonia, NJ; Pittsburgh, PA; Washington, PA) (Rabbi Gershon Freidlin pleaded guilty to one count of child endangerment , saying he had touched the youth's penis and buttocks while applying tanning lotion on the boy on July 10, 1995 Under the terms of a plea agreement, the rabbi will not be jailed for the crime, but faces up to five years probation.)
Case of Yehudah Friedlander - Rabbi 's Assistant (Brooklyn, NY) (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas)
Case of Cantor Stuart Friedman (Halifax,Canada-Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston, Los Angeles, Baltimore) (Convicted and sentanced to 15 months in federal prison on one count of distributing child pornography).
Case of Cantor Philip Friedman (Albany, NY, Queens, NY, Long Island, NY) (Temple Israel fired its longtime cantor for "inappropriate behavior" toward a member of the congregation, and the Albany County district attorney's office confirmed Tuesday that it is investigating the matter.)
Rabbi A.Charles Shalman
Rabbi/Psychologist Avrohom Mondrowitz
Rabbi Max Zucker
Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz
Rabbi Shlomo Aviner
Rabbi Moshe Zilber
Rabbi Richard Marcovitz
Rabbi Gabriel Farhi
Rabbi Efroim Stein
Rabbi Bernard Freilich
Rabbi Moshe Levinger
Binyamin Zev Kahane
Rabbi Meyer Kahane
Rabbi David Schwartz
Rabbi Avraham Asher
Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov
Rabbi ? Cohen
Rabbi Yaakov Weiner
Rabbi Matis Weinberg
Israel Kestenbaum
Rabbi Mordechai Willig
Rabbi Justin Lewis
Rabbi Baruch Lanner
Rabbi Moshe Omer
Rabbi Ido Elba
Rabbi Israel Shemtov
Rabbi Efroim Stein,
Rabbi Jacob Bronner
Rabbi Rabbi Elimelech Naiman
Cantor Robert Shapiro
Rabbi Edgar Gluck
Rabbi Abe Weider
Rabbi Sholam Weiss
Rabbi Akiva Apter
Rabbi Aaron Bornstein
Rabbi Avraham Zaltzman
Rabbi Sean Erez
rabbi Aryeh Deri
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
Cantor Phillip Wittlin
Rabbi Leon Edery
Rabbi Yaakov Weiner
Rabbi David Weinberger
Rabbi/Yeshiva Teacher Ze'ev Sultanovitch
Rabbi Charles Shalman
Rabbi Michael Ozair
Rabbi Fred Neulander
Cantor Howard Nevison
Rabbi Juda Mintz
Rabbi Richard Marcovitz
Rabbi Pinchas Lew
Rabbi Jerrold M. Levy
Rabbi/Rosh Yeshiva Ze'ev Kopolevitch
Rabbi Robert Kirschner
Rabbi Steven Kaplan
Rabbi Steven Jacobs
Grade School Rabbi, in Chicago
Yehudah Friedlander
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum
The State of Israel Vs.Sex Offender
Rabbi Israel Grunwald
Cantor Joel Gordon
Rabbi Sidney Goldenberg
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Queens Yeshiva Boss is a Molester: Boy's Mom
Rabbi Lewis Brenner
Rabbi Aharon Stephanski
Rabbi Amnon Edri
Reform Jewish Rabbis and the Boyscotts
Rabbi Pinchas Pinny Lew
Rabbi Yuda Weiss
Rabbi Yisrael Leibowitz
Rabbi Yehuda Steinberg
Rabbi Yarachmiel Hershler
Rabbi Steven Jacobs
Rabbi Yaakov Levado ( *BadWord* Orthodox Rabbi)
Rabbi Steven Greenberg
Rabbi Shmuel Boteach
Rabbi Shimon Levita
Rabbi Shelomo Helbrans
Rabbi Robert Kirschner
Rabbi Rachamim Anatian
Rabbi Nathan Indig
Rabbi Nathan Adler
Rabbi Nachum Goldberg
Rabbi Moshe Millstein
Rabbi Moses Weiss
Rabbi Moses Perl
Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov
Rabbi Mordechai Samet
Rabbi Mordechai Samet
La "Kosher Nostera"
Rabbi Solomon Hafner
Rabbi Mordechai Elifant
Cantor Philip Wittilin
Rabbi Isaac Goldenberg
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Kneitel
Rabbi Mark Blazer
Rabbi Maier Lehmann
Rabbi Mahir Reiss
Rabbi Lewis Brenner
Rabbi Lubavitcher x
Rabbi Kalmen Eisenberg
Rabbi Joseph Prushinowski
Rabbi Joseph Jacob
Rabbi Jonathan Maltzman
Rabbi Jean Thorboum
Rabbi/Psychologist Avrohom Mondrowitz
Rabbi Isack Rosenberg
Cantor Michael Segelstein
Rabbi David Douglas Webber
Rabbi Aron Nutovics
Rabbi Sam Nutovics
Rabbi Juda Mintz
The "Kosher" Butcher
Rabbi Simcha Adler
Rabbi Hertz Frankel
Rabbi Gerald Hersh
Rabbi Eli Gottesman


The Jewish Extremists Behind "Obsession"

I've only watched the 12-minute version of "Obsession," the film sent to more than 28 million people in various swing states, apparently by associates and partisans of the Jewish movement known as Aish HaTorah, or "Fire of the Torah," but it was enough for to understand that it is the work of hysterics. One of my favorite hysterics, the Jerusalem Post's Caroline Glick, is featured prominently, pieces of the sky falling about her head as she rants about the End of Days.

Aish HaTorah denies any direct connection to the film, which is designed to make naive Americans believe that B-52s filled with radical jihadists are about to carpet-bomb their churches, and are only awaiting Barack Obama's ascension to launch the attack. But the manifold connections, as laid out in this article, among others, make it clear that high-level officials of Aish are up to their chins in this project. The most disreputable flack in New York, Ronn Torossian, who represents Aish, makes an appearance in this story, which was to be expected: Torossian last made the news when he employed sock-puppetry in defense of one of his many indefensible clients, Agriprocessors, Inc., the Luvavitch-owned kosher slaughterhouse that treats its employees nearly as badly as it treats its animals, which is saying something, because Agriprocessor slaughterers have been filmed ripping out the tracheas of living cattle.

But I digress. It's said of Ronn Torossian that he represents "right-wing" Israeli politicians, but this description does not do his clients justice. "Right-wing" is Bibi Netanyahu. Torossian represents the lunatic fringe. Several years ago, in one of my only encounters with him, he introduced me to Benny Elon, a rabbi and settler leader who was then Israel's tourism minister, and who, at various points in his career, has more or less advocated the ethnic cleansing of Israel of its Arab citizens. At one point, when Elon had gone to take a telephone call, Torossian and I started talking about Israel's right to reprisal for terrorist attacks. I was arguing in favor of some sort of proportionality (this was after Jenin, in which the Israeli army chose to root out terrorism block by block rather than bomb the city from the air) but Torossian interrupted: "I think we should kill a hundred Arabs or a thousand Arabs for every one Jew they kill." I was somewhat taken aback, of course, because this is a Nazi idea, rather than a Jewish idea. I asked him to explicate: "If someone from a town blows himself up and kills Jews, we should wipe out the town he's from, kill them all. The Israelis are suckers. They should have destroyed Jenin." He went on like this for some time. I would only note that Torossian, to the best of my knowledge, never volunteered for the Israeli army, so he seemed to me by definition a chickenhawk.

Torossian's attitude toward Arabs and toward the peace process are echoed in the approach of Aish HaTorah, which is just about the most fundamentalist movement in Judaism today. Its operatives flourish in the radical belt of Jewish settlements just south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, and their outposts across the world propagandize on behalf of a particularly sterile, sexist and revanchist brand of Judaism. Which is amusing, of course, because "Obsession" is meant to expose a particularly sterile, sexist and racist brand of Islam.

The tragedy of "Obsession" is not that it is wrong; the tragedy is that it takes a serious issue, and a serious threat -- that of Islamism -- and makes it into a cartoon. Its central argument is that the "Islamofascism" of today is not only the equivalent of Nazism, but worse than Nazism. This is quite a thing for a Jewish organization to argue. One of the featured speakers in "Obsession" is a self-described "former PLO terrorist" named Walid Shoebat, who argues on film that a "secular dogma like Nazism is less dangerous than Islamofascism is today."

This is lunacy, of course. Islamism isn't Nazism. It's bad enough without being labeled Nazism. Martin Gilbert, the biographer of Churchill, shows up in the film as well, and doesn't cover himself in glory: "History has an unfortunate habit of always repeating itself," he says. Always? Does this mean that the Arabs are right now constructing death camps for the Jewish citizens of Israel?

Just unbelievable, but the most unbelievable part of the "Obsession" campaign is its timing: What does this film have to do with Barack Obama? The film is meant to suggest that Obama will provide aid and comfort to Islamism, or is an Islamist himself. There is not one shred of proof on this planet that Barack Obama is anything other than an Israel-supporting Christian. Yes, he went to party with Rashid Khalidi. So did I. Does that make me a member of Hezbollah?

I actually have another idea for a film: I would call it "Obsession" as well, but it would be about the poor souls who believe that Obama is a radical Muslim, that Israel has a right to expel Arabs from its lands, and that America should declare war on all of Islam.

Sunday 26 October 2008

Israeli-Saudi intelligence cooperation detailed in new reports

On February 27, 2008, WMR reported on the secret intelligence links between Israel and Saudi Arabia. We reported: "There have been and remain close and discrete links between Israeli and Saudi intelligence, as well as quiet financial and other commercial ties between the two nations."

On January 28, 2008, WMR reported on the informal intelligence organization set up by then-CIA director George H.W. Bush in 1976 to combat Soviet influence: "[the] "Safari Club," [was] a network of intelligence chiefs created under the aegis of then-CIA director George H. W. Bush in 1976 as a bulwark against the Soviets.

The Safari Club brought together the intelligence chiefs of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Shah's Iran, the United States, and eventually, Israel and Pakistan (although Iran was dropped after the overthrow of the Shah).

Israel and Pakistan became Safari Club insiders after the decision to use Pakistan to arm the Afghan mujaheddin, partly with captured Soviet weapons held by Israel."

Israeli and Saudi cooperation in carrying out the 9/11 attack on the United States is evidenced by the close residential and business nexuses between several Israeli "art student" intelligence agents and the Saudi hijackers across the country, especially in Hollywood, Florida; Jersey City and Paterson, New Jersey; and Irving, Texas (near Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport); Venice, Florida, San Diego, and Laurel, Maryland.

An Israeli Russian language website, NewsRussia, carried a story on Israeli and Saudi intelligence cooperation in the assassination in Damascus of Hezbollah military chief Imad Mughniyeh and Syrian General Mohammed Suleiman in Tartus. WMR has received an exclusive English translation of the September 30, 2008 Russian language article. ... d_112.html

The Hezbollah-owned, Lebanese satellite channel, Al-Manar, and the Iranian government-owned IRNA reported that special forces of the Saudi government--which does not maintain diplomatic relations with Israel--jointly carried out the murder of Hezbollah leader Imad Mughniyeh in February 2008.

Although IRNA, referring to several "Israeli sources", reported on communications between an Arabic country with Mossad, it did not name the country. However, today Al-Manar directly stated that Saudi Arabia participated in the murder of Imad Mughniyeh. According the Al-Manar, the contacts between the Saudi special forces and Mossad were mediated by the Secretary-General of the Saudi National Security Council Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, who is also a former Saudi ambassador to the US.

For this, Al-Manar issued a special report which was dedicated to the current Chief of Mossad, Meir Dagan. This report was based on a recent article in Haaretz and material from the Israeli Channel 2.

Al-Manar and IRNA did not present any factual basis ((for their claims)). However, in these mass media reports, assurances are given that Israel not only participated in organizing the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus, but also took part in the assassination of Syrian General Mohammad Suleiman in Tartus, Syria on August 3. General Suleiman was responsible for communications with Hezbollah.

The data, which the Iranian authorities and the leadership of Hezbollah chose to support through publication of their assurances, is noteworthy. Today the entire Muslim world is marking the end of the Holy month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, while in Israel the Jewish New Year, Roshashana, is being celebrated. Therefore, official refutations from Riyadh and Jerusalem will not follow, at least, for the next day or two. Moreover, Israeli authorities have not commented until now on Israeli military or special forces' actions on Syrian territory.

Publications about the participation of one or several Arab governments in the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh have appeared before. As usual, Saudi Arabia and Syria were mentioned. In particular, the semi-official Iranian FARS wrote about the Saudi-Israeli plot in April. However, until now Hezbollah ((Al-Manar)) has not directly implicated any government or government leader.

Use Google translator

The Los Angeles Times пишет о загадке смерти Мугнии
// // Пресса // 31 августа 2008 г.

"Хизбалла": месть за убийство Мугнии заставит Израиль содрогнуться
// // Ближний Восток // 22 августа 2008 г.

Генерал Сулейман, застреленный в Тартусе, отвечал за сирийский атом
// // Ближний Восток // 4 августа 2008 г.

В Сирии убит генерал, отвечавший за связи с "Хизбаллой"
// // Ближний Восток // 3 августа 2008 г.

"Хизбалла" угрожает начать новую войну против Израиля
// // Ближний Восток // 14 апреля 2008 г.

"Фарс": Имад Мугния пал жертвой саудовско-израильского заговора
// // Ближний Восток // 9 апреля 2008 г.

Предположение: в ликвидации Мугнии обвинят Эр-Рияд
// // Ближний Восток // 3 апреля 2008 г.

Арабская пресса: Хасан Насралла был заинтересован в убийстве Мугнии
// // Ближний Восток // 27 февраля 2008 г.

Иранский дипломат: "Хизбалла" будет мстить Израилю в третьей стране
// // Ближний Восток // 20 февраля 2008 г.

ХАМАС: арабские спецслужбы поставляют информацию о Машале США и Израилю
// // Ближний Восток // 17 февраля 2008 г.

The Sunday Times: Мугнию взорвал "Мосад". Подробности
// // Пресса // 17 февраля 2008 г.

"Хизбалла" возложила на Израиль ответственность за гибель Имада Мугнии
// // Ближний Восток // 13 февраля 2008 г.

В Дамаске убит глава спецслужб "Хизбаллы" Имад Мугния
// // Ближний Восток // 13 февраля 2008 г.

Saturday 25 October 2008

Israeli-US ties: Shocking truths

At an international conference in London dubbed “Terrorism: Alternative global perspectives”, Alan Hart, the author of “Zionism: the Real Enemy of the Jews”, stated, “The United States is supporting Israeli-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East.”

Speaking at the conference organized by the Center for the Study of Terrorism (CFSOT) in London to explore the comprehensive effects of the US “global war on terror”, he added that the Israeli regime, with blanket approval of Washington “simply ignores the United Nations resolutions concerning the violation of Palestinians’ rights”.

Hart, a noted British expert on Middle East affairs and a former television executive who once held the post of controller of BBC One, expressed alarm at the pro-Israeli bias in the Western media when it comes to reporting on the developments in the Middle East.

“The world is falling apart. There is only one way to confront with the double standards of the West and that is informing people about the realities of the history,” he said.

He noted that for the past six decades after the creation of the State of Israel, the United States had blocked most anti-Israel resolutions at the Security Council, in spite of the Jewish state’s gross and often barbaric violations against the Palestinians. The injustice against Palestinians had no parallels in history.

Referring to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, he described it as analogous to the long drawn-out British-Irish conflict whereby the British government moved the Scottish people in Northern Ireland to occupy it gradually. “A similar situation exists in Palestine where the Jews are occupying Muslim lands,” he said, placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of then British Premier Tony Blair’s foreign policy and his close alliance with the US President George W. Bush for spreading terrorism and extremism across the world.

Urging Muslims to stand against Islamophobia “which is currently spreading across the world”, Hart expressed his concern that Iran was becoming a victim of collusion among the policymakers in Washington, London and Tel Aviv. “It is constantly targeted by the propaganda war of the US media,” he said.

In his latest book, “Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews”, Hart expands on how such a collusion is leading to a clash between civilizations and how it could be prevented. He is a firm believer of the notion that what peacemaking needs above all else is some truth, “about many things but, especially, the difference between Zionist mythology and real history, and, the difference between Judaism and Zionism and thus why it is perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist without being in any way, shape or form anti-Semitic.”

Hart’s words should be seriously studied by those who would like to get to the truth behind Middle East politics and understand how the US has gradually fallen from grace among the Arab masses. Of course what he says comes as no surprise to most of us in the region.

A fiercely independent thinker, Hart has held many private conversations with key players on both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict including Golda Meir, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat. During Carter’s presidency, Alan Hart established covert diplomatic channels to initiate an exploratory dialogue between Arafat and Peres as the US administration found it difficult to advance the peace process by institutional diplomacy because of the Zionist lobby’s awesome influence on American politics and politicians.

When asked if the Israeli lobby would not seek to discredit him as they had done with many scholars before him, Hart’s answer was: “I have three children and, when the world falls apart, I want to be able to look them in the eye and say, ‘Don’t blame me. I tried.’”

Hell, he says, “is when you know that the end of your life is approaching and that you have not used your talents and resources as well as you could have done to make a difference — i.e. when you realize upon reflection that you have wasted your life. Heaven is contemplation of the approach of death without fear because you know that, on balance, you’ve done your best to make a difference.”

It is statement that admits of no equivocation, one that should be carefully considered by the two politicians currently vying for the US presidency.

Friday 24 October 2008

Jews in Cold War Espionage Transcripts Unsealed

Victory for Archive and Historical Associations Results in the Release of New Information About Rosenbergs Spy Case

Washington, D.C., October 24, 2008 - Today, in response to a petition filed by the National Security Archive and several historical associations, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the previously secret grand jury transcripts of eight witnesses related to Cold War espionage prosecutions. The nearly 300 pages of transcripts from the Brothman/Moskowitz grand jury reveal important new details about the testimony of Elizabeth Bentley, the so-called “Red Spy Queen,” and Harry Gold, who led authorities to David Greenglass and the Rosenbergs. In addition, NARA released the testimonies of Vivian Glassman, Edith Levitov, and Frank Wilentz from the Rosenberg grand jury.

“The release of these additional grand jury records marks an important victory for historians, archivists, and the American people,” stated Meredith Fuchs, the National Security Archive’s General Counsel. “It adds to the historical record on the most important espionage trial in American history, which was a defining moment of the Cold War, and helps us better understand how our society responded to the threat of Soviet espionage.”

The government, through the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, had opposed the release of the Brothman/Moskowitz materials. On August 26, 2008, however, Judge Alvin Hellerstein decided they were of “substantial historical importance” and ordered them released. The government declined to appeal that ruling.

“The disclosure of the Rosenberg and Brothman/Moskowitz transcripts bears witness to the idea that historically valuable grand jury records should, after a reasonable period of time, be made public,” explained David Vladeck, counsel for the Archive and the historical associations that supported the petition and a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center. “Keeping our nation’s history secret serves no legitimate purpose. These records were too important to be left to gather dust on the shelves of the National Archives. Now that they have been released, historians and the American people can come to grips with their own history.”

During the 1940s, Abraham Brothman gave secret industrial information to Elizabeth Bentley, who turned it over to the Soviet Union. Bentley eventually ended that relationship, but Harry Gold replaced her as a conduit to the Soviets. Both Bentley and Gold eventually became FBI informants and provided information that let authorities to Brothman and his business partner Miriam Moskowitz. Both Brothman and Moskowitz were convicted of obstruction of justice and served terms in prison. The Brothman/Moskowitz and Rosenberg cases were linked from the start, sharing some key witnesses and the same cast of investigators and prosecutors. The same judge also handled both cases.

One of the transcripts that will be released today documents a third grand jury appearance by Harry Gold, a colorful character who played a principal role in both spy rings. As historian Allan Hornblum of Temple University explained in his declaration for this lawsuit:

“[I]f Gold had not confessed, he would not likely have been convicted and jailed for 16 years. The authorities would not likely have discovered David Greenglass and the Rosenbergs. The Rosenbergs would not have been executed; Greenglass, [Morton] Sobell, William Perl, and others would not have been imprisoned, and several Soviet spy rings would not have been dismantled.”

The testimony of several witnesses from the Rosenberg grand jury who are still living and who opposed release, including Ethel Rosenberg’s brother David Greenglass, remain sealed. The petitioners who won the lawsuit to release most of the Rosenberg and Brothman/Moskowitz grand jury records include the National Security Archive at George Washington University, the American Historical Association, the American Society for Legal History, the Organization of American Historians, the Society of American Archivists, and New York Times reporter Sam Roberts. The petitioners are represented by David Vladeck of the Institute for Public Representation at the Georgetown University Law Center, who also served as counsel on the successful Alger Hiss grand jury petition, and Debra L. Raskin, at Vladeck, Waldman, Elias & Engelhard in New York.

Read the Transcripts from the Brothman/Moskowitz grand jury

Elizabeth Bentley

Harry Gold (Statement read by Thomas Donegan)

Harry Gold, part 1

Harry Gold, part 2

Louis Benson

David Bohm

Abraham Brothman, part 1

Abraham Brothman, part 2

Abraham Brothman, part 3

Abraham Brothman, part 4

Abraham Brothman, part 5

Benedict DeBuff

Thomas Donegan, part 1

Thomas Donegan, part 2

Miriam Moskowitz, part 1

Miriam Moskowitz, part 2

Francis O'Brien

Source and links

The Savage Nature of Big Jewry

An organism with a savage nature now draws blood and sustenance from our nation. This parasitic beast is never referred to publicly and is only spoken of in hushed tones and fearful whispers by those few enlightened persons amongst the addled public. But silence and fear do not change reality or the sinister “personality” traits of this creature that now grips and drains us. Yes, there is a name to our pain; it is Big Jewry. Big Jewry’s savagery and callousness is remarkable and grows more wretched and excessive with every passing day.

Michael Savage, a right-wing Zionist Jew, has a nightly radio program called the Savage Nation. On this program, the San Francisco host insists that we need “a more Savage Nation.” He may throw out some perfunctory barbs against modern liberalism and rail against its excesses with his Brooklyn accent, but he will not identify the true “enemy within.” That enemy is Big Jewry. What Dr. Savage seems not to notice or what he chooses to bury within his mostly neo-conservative rants is that we do have a more savage nation. America, under the control of Big Jewry is, next to Israel, the most hated nation on planet earth, and I must say, it is rightfully hated and despised by people of good will everywhere.

The savagery of Big Jewry has made it so. We are a “more savage nation” in every possible way. Our savagery knows no bounds. Michael Savage may identify the effects, but with true Jewish clannishness, he dares not identify the Cause, the Primary Mover that has pushed us into the maelstrom, the national catastrophe we are besieged by. This catastrophe has been brought on by one group.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. The mortgage bubble has popped. Our banking institutions collapse daily. Foreclosures and bankruptcy will soon be the norm in America. We are a country held up by a precarious pyramid counterfeiting scheme run by a Federal Reserve headed up entirely by the Zionist agents of Big Jewry. Paulson, Bernanke and their ilk steer the American economic machine straight through a guard rail. We are bankrupt and wading in enough red ink to reach a horse’s bridle. Our plastique politicians, also agents of Zion and Big Jewry, now submit and bow to the magnates of Jewish power and global Zionism. They reward the robbery, the banditry of the thieving Jews of Wall Street by reaching into the public purse and snatching hundreds of billions of our devalued dollars to pay this Pied Viper. There will be trillions more forthcoming. Do you doubt it?

Big Jewry is a savage beast. Its Talmudic satellite states, puppet governments for the criminal headquarters of the internationalist Diaspora, a speck of stolen land called Israel, wage war against nationalism wherever it rears its long overdue head. The Jew-stocked media then disseminate their usual cover-up and lies and provide more subterfuge for the Terrible Tribe. The beastly eternal war state of Zionism arms these Zio-America-friendly nations and they then instigate wars against countries attempting to wrest themselves free of the yoke of Jewry. This was what we witnessed with the orchestrated conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia killed Russian peace-keepers after being armed to the teeth by Israeli weaponry and technology. When Russia justifiably reacted, the Big Jewry media presented the entire conflagration as an unprovoked attack by Russia against an innocent country that was an ally of the United States. Of course, what they didn’t tell the viewer is that Georgia is a haven for Jews with Israeli dual citizenship and its entire government is rife with them. Georgia is a smaller version of what so many other countries have morphed into after an infusion of Jewish people and Jewish money; it is a Talmudic satellite state of Israel.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. It demands 100% fealty to its agenda or destruction will ensue. Sarah Palin, a pretty, but empty-headed Christian fundamentalist who is, surprise, surprise, a Zionist, swears her “love for Israel” and assures the Jews that she is on board for their agenda. Of course, she had already been vetted to ensure that she would always put the interests of Israel before the United States. In fact, in recent years while governor of Alaska, the proud hockey mom even met with rabbis from the Chabad Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Orthodox Judaism. The Lubavitchers are a racist, fanatically anti-Gentile organization which declares non-Jews not to even be human beings at all, but refuse and animals. Yet there is not a peep from the Jew Tube about this radical Jewish sect which courts presidents and prime ministers. Governor Palin is surely bright enough to know that she must bend to the will of Big Jewry or be obliterated by its beast-like machine of defamation and slander. And so she does, smiling her adorably cute smile and winking at the Goyim knowingly as she embraces the Jewish tribalists who loathe every value she holds dear and who especially hate every white person who draws breath. We can be sure that if elected, Palin will continue to carry out the savage aims of Jewish supremacism or be immediately damned by the media.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. As we speak, a brave and courageous academic and activist, a man I have met personally, Dr. Frederick Toben is being held by the acolytes of worldwide Big Jewry after having been seized at an airport in London. He will soon be deported to Germany where he will be tried by Jewish extremists for daring to question their version of what took place during World War II. The sheer brazenness of this power play by Big Jewry against this brave man shows that their audacity and chutzpah has only been ballooned by their success at imprisoning other academics who expose their Holocaust lies and their fantastically powerful control over both the economies and media apparatuses of America, Canada and Europe. The beast has only grown stronger as we have been weakened by its societal toxins. Our laziness, fear and hesitation to oppose this behemoth has paved the way for the imprisonment of Toben, Zundel, Rudolf and Irving, among many, many others. Soon any critics of Jews and Zionism, whether abroad or in the United States, will be thrown into FEMA style concentration camps without trial and with no hope of ever being released. This is not fantasy. It is an eventuality. The gulag is coming to a town near you. If you don’t believe this then you don’t know Jewish history very well.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. To ensconce themselves in the highest seats of power, they have used bribery, blackmail, murder, espionage and intimidation against our government officials. To stymie our will to stop them, they have utilized pornography, mass media, the drugging of our young men and the poisoning of our food, water and pharmaceuticals. They have seized the once white-run universities and now scrape off the last slivers of any racial pride that could still conceivably be hanging on. They have infiltrated our white nationalist activist groups with their Jew agents, dirty and compromised individuals like pseudo-Nazi Bill White (Weiss) and the FBI informant Hal Turner. Big Jewry hates white unity and racial awareness and tries to stamp it out at every turn. Why? Because it is potentially one of the most powerful ways that we could unite to smash their power base in the media, in academia and in Hollywood. We have not succeeded on this front and our children and communities now pay the price as our youth are brainwashed, chemically lobotomized and neutered, or are maimed or killed as they spill their blood for the Jew in the Middle East. Our once serene neighborhoods now ring out with the gunfire of minority criminals and are strewn with the garbage tossed into the streets by the Third World dregs welcomed into America by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

Things grow more precarious and more tragic for our nation and people by the day. The parasitic organism, the beast of Big Jewry tears at every last shred of our dignity and our institutions, unleashing a flood of scatology, socialism, sickness and swill into the faces of our families. America is sick, bankrupt financially and morally, and literally dying as a nation. It is a rotting corpse that the rest of the world gazes upon with disgust, fascination and pity. We are the perennially interesting car crash. We are no more significant in our decay than this.

Yet the enemy, the culprits, the parasitic Ones must be named. One group has done this, has purposefully and malignantly orchestrated this death knell for our nation-state and our people. They are the same Tribe that rotted away Egypt and Rome from within. They were tossed out of Greece before Christianity was even a thought. Spain drove them violently from their borders. England dismissed them from its kingdom in the 13th century, only to have this Tribe finagle their way back in later. France expelled them numerous times, always to return. Napoleon Bonaparte was tricked into granting them the rights of full citizens. Russia was besieged, imprisoned and its people finally mass murdered by this Tribe. The Palestinians were displaced and slaughtered by them and British soldiers were hung from piano wire by this enemy when they wanted to stop the carnage. They are, and always have been, the Jews.

For you see, it is not enough, my friends, to rail against the blood they have spilled. We must point out the parasite. It is not enough to only indicate their crimes and the trillions stolen and the more than a billion people murdered historically either directly or indirectly by their machinations, deceit and money power. NO! OUR PAIN MUST BE NAMED. It is, and has always been, BIG JEWRY. It is the beast, the savage and callous creature that is the Eternal Jew.

By Patrick Grimm,7c764f51

Thursday 23 October 2008

Israel website in 'Nazi pope' row

Exhibit mentioning Pope Pius XII at Yad Vashem
An exhibit at the Yad Vashem memorial is seen as critical of Pius XII

A photo montage which superimposed a Nazi swastika over Pope Benedict has appeared on a website run by supporters of Israel's leading political party.

The image was later removed from the Yalla Kadima website, apparently on the orders of party leader Tzipi Livni.

The incident comes amid a row with the Vatican over Israeli claims that the late Pope Pius XII could have done more to prevent the Holocaust.

Ms Livni is currently trying to form a government and become prime minister.

"Tzipi Livni strongly condemns this and we are working to remove this shameful picture. We strongly oppose this. It doesn't represent Kadima," spokesman Amir Goldstein said shortly before the photo was changed.

Speaking anonymously, one of the website's editors told the BBC the site is a platform for Kadima activists to voice their opinions in a manner they cannot do on the official website.

The letter and graphics were sent in by a group of pensioners, he said.

"Some of these people are first generation or second generation Holocaust survivors, and this is their legitimate protest," he said.

He said Ms Livni rang personally and asked for the picture to be taken down, saying it could cause diplomatic strife.

There are objections among many in Israel to the long process, begun in 1967, to make Pope Pius, who was pontiff from 1939 to 1958, a saint.

'Incorrect interpretation'

The row blew up afresh last week after the Vatican official in charge of the process said the current pontiff, Benedict, should not accept Israel's invitation to visit until the wording on an exhibit in the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem is changed.

Pope Benedict XVI
Israel has issued an invitation to Pope Benedict to visit

The display says that, despite warnings from clergy throughout Europe about the deportation of Jews to death camps, Pope Pius XII did nothing to condemn it or to intervene.

The Vatican has repeatedly objected to the content of the display, saying it is an "incorrect interpretation of the late Pope's role".

The Holy See maintains that Pius actively helped some Jews by sheltering them in churches and monasteries.

But the Vatican has also said the exhibit should not be a "determining factor" in a papal visit.

Pope Benedict spoke last month in favour of the beatification process, a stage on the way to sainthood, for the former Pope.

And Israel has long regarded the Vatican, which did not recognise the country until 1993, as pro-Palestinian.

For its part, the Vatican wants to resolve a stand-off over the taxation of Church property in Israel, as well as problems with visas.

Our correspondent says there is plenty of work ahead, but this meeting is a significant step towards a warmer relationship.

'born to rape'

Jew Fritzl says he was 'born to rape'

The Austrian father who allegedly imprisoned and abused his daughter for 24 years has said he was "born to rape", according to a leaked report.

Josef Fritzl

The report by psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner says Joseph Fritzl's mother humiliated him in childhood, creating his need to "possess a human being".

Mr Fritzl said he had an "evil streak" and that he "could have behaved a lot worse than locking up my daughter".

Mr Fritzl fathered seven children with his daughter in a cellar he built.

Dr Kastner says in her 130-page report that Mr Fritzl is fit for trial and would be "highly" likely to reoffend if he had the opportunity. A trial could begin in the next few months.

Mr Fritzl has been in custody since the case came to light in April.


Dr Kastner's report has been submitted to the prosecutor's office but was leaked to the Austrian media.

In the report, Mr Fritzl, 73, tells the psychiatrist: "I was born to rape and I held myself back for a relatively long time."

Josef Fritzl as 16-year-old in 1951 from private collection
Fritzl, here as a 16-year-old in 1951, spoke of humiliations as a child

Dr Kastner says Mr Fritzl spoke of humiliating and unprovoked attacks by his mother in childhood.

"His childhood made him susceptible to an emotional handicap," she writes, creating the need for him "to possess an entire human being".

The report says Mr Fritzl believed incarcerating his daughter, Elisabeth, meant he would have someone "just for me".

He believed having children with her would mean she would have to stay with him as she would "no longer hold any attraction for other men".

Mr Fritzl speaks of himself as a "volcano" who has a "flood of destructive lava that was barely controllable".

Prosecutors say Mr Fritzl has confessed to keeping Elisabeth captive in a cell at his home in Amstetten, west of Vienna.

DNA tests have shown he is the father of six of Elisabeth's children - a seventh child is believed to have died shortly after birth.

Elisabeth, 42, her six children and her mother Rosemarie have been undergoing psychiatric treatment and are thought to be at a secret location learning to resume a normal existence.

The case first came to light in April after 19-year-old Kerstin, one of the children fathered by Mr Fritzl, became seriously ill and was taken to hospital.

Pedophilia Thriving In Judaism's Right Wing?

A recurrent theme of Judaism's highest authority, the Babylonian Talmud, is the right of Jewish men to have sex with 3-year-old girls. My article "Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret" (See, Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret, 10/11/06) documents this with copies of passages from the Talmud which endorse such perversion.

Jewish apologists reject this accusation. They say the Talmud's approval of child sex is ritualistic and "spiritual" in its connotation. Others say that whatever Talmudic rabbis may have sanctioned 1800 years ago is not practiced today.

Yet throughout the past decades, many instances of pedophilia have surfaced in Judaism, particularly among ultra-Orthodox (Haredim) Jews. A recent article in the Jewish daily Forward, "Haredim Begin Confronting Pedophilia," Oct. 2, 2008, confirms that pedophilia does exist among ultra-Orthodox Judaism, to a degree that can no longer be concealed.

"After years in which the issue of pedophilia has been quietly dealt with among ultra-Orthodox Jews, a number of leaders in the community are speaking out publiclySexual abuse of children has periodically arisen in the ultra-Orthodox community through high-profile cases like that of Yehuda Kolko and Avrohom MondrowitzIn 2006 and 2007 Kolko was charged with several counts of sexual abuse," yet received no prison time. Mondrowitz, a Brooklyn Jew, was indicted on five counts of sodomy and six counts of sexual abuse in 1985 but found asylum in Israel.

Forward says Brooklyn assemblyman Dov Hikind "argued that the ultra-Orthodox community has become a haven for child molesters."

"If you're a child molester, the best community to come to is Borough Park, Flatbush, Lakewood or Monroe," Hikind said, referring to areas that have large ultra-Orthodox populations. "Your chances of being arrested are much smaller because people don't press charges."

Why don't they press charges?

Ultra-Orthodox rabbinic leadership knows the Talmud endorses child sex. Such awareness cannot help but deeply influence how they counsel Jewish victims to respond. Ultra-Orthodox, like all religious Jews, revere the Talmud as God's highest revelation to the Jewish people. They believe His will is expressed through Judaism's greatest spiritual lights: the Pharisees and their Sanhedrin. It must be difficult for Haredi literalists to believe pedophilia is truly wrong when the Talmud repeatedly says it is right. It is difficult for their leaders to sanction criminal prosecution when the greatest sages of the Talmud proclaim pedophilia to be "halakah," or binding Jewish law. (Yebamoth 60B)

The Brooklyn assemblyman, Hikind, "said that lately, an 'avalanche of people' has come to his office to talk about cases of sexual abuse." He wants to create a legislative task force to help control pedophilia in the ultra-Orthodox community. "In August, Rabbi Benzion Twerski, a psychologist and respected member of the community, was tapped to head Hikind's task force." Yet, "He resigned just days after his appointment, reportedly because of the overwhelming pressure and intimidation he received."

This may remind some readers of the pedophilia epidemic discovered in the Catholic Church. There is no parallel between the two. Neither Catholic teaching nor the Bible ever authorizes such child abuse, or protection of it. Yet pedophilia and pederasty are repeatedly endorsed by Judaism's highest authorities.

Haredim: Flexing Power in Israel

Today, ultra-Orthodox followers of Judaism form its fastest growing branch; many Jews, fearing assimilation, are attracted to its structure and legalism. Haredi power in Knesset surges. Israel's new international court of justice, the Sanhedrin, is dominated by Haredi sages. Up to 75 percent of some Jerusalem neighborhoods are Haredi-occupied. Most Jewish settlers and local governments in Israel's occupied territories are ultra-Orthodox; they are largely supported by the wealthy Lubavitcher sect of ultra-Orthodox Judaism centered in New York.

Such Haredim are on the front lines of Israeli expansionism; they continue to devour ever more Arab land and clash with Palestinian landowners and even Israeli police. Increasingly violent, they ceaselessly persecute messianic Christians in central Israel and the West Bank. (See, Christians in Israel: An Endangered Species)

The Haredim are Jews who take the Talmud and its mystical companion, the Kabbalah, very seriously. The continuing presence of pedophilia among them reveals the tragic moral consequences of Israel's decision 2000 years ago to reject Jesus Christ and give full loyalty to the Pharisees. Jesus said the Pharisees and their proto-Talmudic oral tradition had "made the law of God of no effect." (Mark 7:13) His charge that they were guilty of "all uncleanness" evidently included pedophilia. (Matt. 23:27)

Are the moral degradations emanating from the Talmud limited to the ultra-Orthodox? No. The leaders of Jewish-founded Hollywood and big TV and publishing in America are descended very largely from Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox ancestors in Poland, Eastern Europe, and Russia. Though many Jewish media elite are today secular or nominally Jewish, they reflect an ultra-Orthodox heritage of immorality which they now pass on to the rest of humanity.

Of course, all religious Jews cannot be criticized just because of pedophilia among the ultra-Orthodox. Yet the Haredim do have one virtue lacking in the Jewish religious community. They interpret the Talmud accurately, literally believing it rather than spiritualizing away the meaning.

The pharisaic Talmud is the primary stumbling block to Jewish enlightenment and wellbeing. Because the Talmud's anti-Christ ethics undergird Jewish revolutionary, messianic, global ambitions, it is also the primary enemy of Christian civilization.

Yet evangelical Christians are dedicated to exempting "God's chosen people" from searching scrutiny and inevitable criticism; thus, they allow the Talmud to remain unexplored and unchallenged. Century after century, this wellspring of evil pollutes the flock of Israel. As God says of Israel's false shepherds, "And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet." (Ezek. 34:19)

Unlike the Old Testament prophets, evangelical leaders raise no alarm or criticism as evil Jewish leaders continue to corrupt their own and others. As a result, immoral Jews in Hollywood, Brooklyn, and Tel Aviv -- the last people who merit special privileges -- live in a realm of total freedom from Christian scrutiny and displeasure, a privilege almost never granted any other group in history.

By Rev. Ted Pike

Eric Jon Phelps: Zionist Promoter, Israeli Diamond Merchant, New Ager, White Separatist

Eric Jon Phelps, proven to be an Israeli diamond trader and alleged to be author of Vatican Assassins, is under fire from many in the Patriot, Truth, and Christian communities as a fraud and liar. He's also alleged to be a smear merchant, putting out false information claiming that Alex Jones is a paid CIA and Vatican agent. He also has falsely claimed that Pastor Butch Paugh, Texe Marrs, Jeff Rense, Constance Cumbey, Dr. Stan Monteith are all secretly Vatican Jesuit infiltrators. None of this is true, leading investigators to question who Eric Jon Phelps is and who is behind his smears and disinformation.

Daryl Bradford Smith, (, says that Phelps "should be considered part of the Zionist criminal network." In a June 4, 2006 article entitled "White Supremacists—Are They Real Nazis or Ashkenazis (crypto-jews?)," Smith suggests that Phelps, an admitted white racist and separatist, may actually be an agent-provocateur faking his beliefs to attract support from Nazi-Aryan White Supremacist groups.

Smith may be right. Reportedly, Phelps was honored as guest speaker by a University of Oklahoma Hasidic (hard-core Zionist Orthodox) Jewish group. Hasidic Jews have a record of deep involvement in the Christ-hating Talmud and the sorcerous Cabala. The topic of Phelps’ address was "Jesuits, Jews, and Israel."

Phelps, the Israeli Diamond Salesman

Eric Jon Phelps admits that he is a merchant to the wealthy of Israeli diamonds, direct from Tel Aviv ( We are not told by Phelps who the Jewish merchants in Tel Aviv are from whom he gets his diamonds wholesale. What we do know is that Phelps fails to tell his prospective gem buyers that Israeli crooks and gangsters run most of the lucrative "blood" diamond business, robbing and exploiting the people of impoverished African countries like Zaire, the Congo, and Liberia. Annually untold hundreds of people are murdered in a continuing holocaust in these primitive diamond regions in the quest for diamond profits.

Reportedly, among the Jewish billionaires responsible for this diamond-lust genocide is Maurice Templeman, who has given huge sums of campaign money to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Israel’s Emaxon Finance Corp is a major perpetrator in the Congo. Other Jewish diamond firms are run by DeBeers, Oppenheim, Hertzov, and Gertler. The latter man, Danny Gertler, is called "Mr. Diamond" by his associates.

These Israeli bums "steal" the diamonds from the poor black Africans and send them to Jewish firms in Tel Aviv, Israel, which controls over 65 percent of the worlds gem market.

Mr. Phelps claims to be a "historian and researcher." If he is, then surely he knows of the misery, pain, and suffering inflicted by the Israelis in their greedy grab of diamonds and other natural resources of Africa. When the local people of darkest Africa object to their exploitation and slavery, the Israeli-controlled and bribed government troops move in to brutally put down the insurrections. Does Phelps know these things? Does he care?

The rich Jews in Africa even fly in their cabalistic rabbis for sacred Jewish rituals. Insiders report that these rabbis are regularly flown in from New York and Brussels.

To further his diamond business and perhaps to ingratiate himself with Israeli gem merchants, Eric Jon Phelps has made trips and visits to Israel. There he met with Israeli author Barry Chamish, a Zionist who criticizes and lobbies for his government to retain all the lands stolen from the oppressed Palestinians. Chamish, a supporter of an aggressive Israeli foreign policy, says that Phelps’ diatribes against the Catholics have been a "deep influence on my work."

Eric Jon Phelps and Chamish met twice after Phelps arrival in Israel by air, May 28, 2003.

Phelps is an Admitted Tax Dodger

Eric Jon Phelps, of Newmanstown, Pennsylvania, brags that he is a tax dodger and has urged others to join the tax resistance movement as well. ( He admitted in a letter to his followers that he has not paid income taxes or filed IRS tax returns for some 25 years. He also refuses a social security number.

How does Phelps get away with this? Do his Jewish pals take care of him as far as IRS enforcement is concerned?

Strangely, while stoutly defending Israel and savagely attacking anyone who dares oppose Zionism, Phelps self-styles himself a "White American Freeman." He says he believes in racism and racial separation, but insists he is a "good racist."

Phelps: "I Am a Zionist"

Proclaiming himself to be a "Hebrew Israelite," Phelps has also declared, "I am a Zionist" He even goes on to say that his goal is a "Fifth Monarchy" Israel Kingdom. "The beloved Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites people have a right to live in their promised land," Phelps writes, adding, "I am of the fifth category of Zionists."

The folks at (10/3/2002) call Phelps a "hit man for the Jews, a complete shill," brimming, they say, with lies and disinformation.

Can a White Supremacist embrace Zionism and Israel? If so, why doesn’t the Jewish ADL endorse David Duke?

Phelps Welcomed on Israel National Radio

Phelps calls the Jews his "beloved," and they sure respond to his flatteries. According to Israel National Radio, Phelps anti-Catholic views were warmly welcomed in Israel as Phelps guested on that network’s popular "The Tamar Yonah Show" ( Tamar Yonah, host of the government subsidized Israeli radio program, bills her show as one that conducts "interviews with the movers and shakers in Israel."

Is Phelps, a former concrete mixer and Bible School student and now an Israeli diamond merchant, one of those "movers and shakers" in Israel?

John Kaminski, well-known internet researcher and essayist, says he believes flat-out that Eric Jon Phelps, masquerading as a "White American Freeman," is, in reality, simply a Jew. Kaminski also suggests that Phelps is likely a FBI stooge. According to Kaminski, Phelps uses special codewords to let Jews know he is one of them. For example, Phelps says that, "Jesus is the Jewish Son of God." Does this mean that Jesus is today a fleshly Jew in heaven? Does Phelps deny the bible’s clear teaching that our majestic God is a Spirit and has no fleshly body?

Phelps Smears 9/11 Truth Movement

Eric Jon Phelps has savagely attacked most of the patriots and constitutionalists who are courageously working to get out the truth about the monstrous 9/11 cover-up. Phelps does the dirty work of the elite and brands such people as Dr. Stan Monteith, Alex Jones, Eric Huffschmidt, Texe Marrs, Butch Paugh, Eustace Mullins, and Jeff Rense Vatican agents of the Black Pope of the Catholic Jesuits. This even though many of these good people—Texe Marrs, Butch Paugh, and others—have long been in the forefront of unmasking the errors and crimes of the Vatican, way before Phelps came on the scene with his bogus book and his lying smears and libels.

According to Phelps, "The 9/11 Truth Movement is totally compromised," and its leaders, he claims, are "treasonous traitors" and "gatekeepers for Rome." Again, no proof, just smears and lies.

Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and other neocon criminals who perpetrated 9/11 must be very proud of the support they are getting from Eric Jon Phelps. His lies are greatly assisting their continuing cover-up.

The Craig Oxley Connection: Promoting Zionism & Israel

One of Phelps more avid supporters is a mysterious character named Craig Oxley from Europe. "Oxley," if that is his real name, has a website and internet radio show called "Unhived." When told by concerned patriots that Eric Jon Phelps, unbeknownst to most of his adoring anti-Catholic fans, is, in fact a merchant of Jewish supplied diamonds and a rabid Zionist, Oxley admitted that, yes, he knows these things. But, so what? "We must remember," Oxley wrote, "that Israel is simply the 51st state in the United States, in reality." (see

Possibly, Zionist apologist Mr. Oxley is blissfully unaware that an Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, is now locked away in an U.S.A. prison cell. Pollard was convicted of stealing some of America’s most precious military secrets and funneling them via the Israeli Mossad to Communist China, one of socialist Israel’s fast allies.

Phelps: Strange and Bizarre Zionist Profiteer

So there you have it. Eric Jon Phelps, Israeli diamond merchant, Zionist advocate, Jesuit "exposer" (not!), and "White American Freeman" of the "Fifth Monarch" of Israel. Strange and bizarre, indeed.

The Zionist criminals are well aware of the schism between Catholics and Protestants. They intend to use this divide to insidiously plant gossip, rumors, lies, and disinformation. Phelps, whether knowingly or unknowingly, whether duped or paid intentional provocateur, is greatly assisting them with his false and unfounded accusations against patriots, 9/11 Truthers, true Christian believers, and others. He is, in our opinion, a "Zionist Profiteer," and deserves to be exposed for his falsehoods and underhandedness.

Many think that Phelps is simply a "crazy" and a dupe. Maybe, but true Christians have labored for many years unmasking the New Age movement, the global conspiratorial elite, and yes, the Jesuits and the Vatican. Phelps’ ridiculous claims about the Jesuits cause many to scorn and ridicule the work done by legitimate researchers. If this individual is not a government or Mossad-paid shill, he certainly is a good imitation. All lovers of freedom and truth are urged to shun Mr. Phelps and to pitch his flawed and worthless book in the trash can

Zionist Champions